.NET API Usage example¶
Examples are from native_client/dotnet/STTConsole/Program.cs.
Creating a model instance and loading model¶
57 58 | using (ISTT sttClient = new STT(model ?? "model.tflite"))
Transcribing audio with the loaded model¶
93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 | if (extended)
Metadata metaResult = sttClient.SpeechToTextWithMetadata(waveBuffer.ShortBuffer,
Convert.ToUInt32(waveBuffer.MaxSize / 2), 1);
speechResult = MetadataToString(metaResult.Transcripts[0]);
speechResult = sttClient.SpeechToText(waveBuffer.ShortBuffer,
Convert.ToUInt32(waveBuffer.MaxSize / 2));
Full source code¶
See Full source code