Building Binaries¶
This section describes how to build 🐸STT binaries.
It is strongly recommended that you always use our pre-built 🐸STT binaries (available with every release) unless you have a reason to do build them yourself.
If you would still like to build the 🐸STT binaries yourself, you’ll need the following pre-requisites downloaded and installed:
It is required to use our fork of TensorFlow since it includes fixes for common problems encountered when building the native client files.
If you’d like to build the language bindings or the decoder package, you’ll also need:
SWIG master. Unfortunately, NodeJS / ElectronJS after 10.x support on SWIG is a bit behind, and while there are fixes merged on master, they have not been released. Prebuilt patched versions (covering Linux, Windows and macOS) of SWIG should get installed under native_client/ automatically as soon as you build any bindings that requires it.
node-pre-gyp (for Node.JS bindings only)
For information on building on Windows, please refer to: Windows Building.
If you follow these instructions, you should compile your own binaries of 🐸STT (built on TensorFlow using Bazel).
For more information on configuring TensorFlow, read the docs up to the end of “Configure the Build”.
Checkout source code¶
Clone 🐸STT source code (TensorFlow will come as a submdule):
git clone STT
cd STT
git submodule sync tensorflow/
git submodule update --init tensorflow/
Bazel: Download & Install¶
First, install Bazel 5.0.0 following the Bazel installation documentation or alternatively using Bazelisk.
TensorFlow: Configure with Bazel¶
After you have installed the correct version of Bazel, configure TensorFlow:
cd tensorflow
Compile Coqui STT¶
Within your TensorFlow directory, there should be a symbolic link to the 🐸STT native_client
directory. If it is not present, create it with the follow command:
cd tensorflow
ln -s ../native_client
You can now use Bazel to build the main 🐸STT library,
. Add --config=cuda
if you want a CUDA build.
bazel build --workspace_status_command="bash native_client/" -c opt --copt="-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0" //
The generated binaries will be saved to bazel-bin/native_client/
Compile generate_scorer_package
Following the same setup as for
above, you can rebuild the generate_scorer_package
binary by adding its target to the command line: //native_client:generate_scorer_package
Using the example from above you can build the library and that binary at the same time:
bazel build --workspace_status_command="bash native_client/" -c opt --copt="-D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0" // //native_client:generate_scorer_package
The generated binaries will be saved to bazel-bin/native_client/
Compile Language Bindings¶
Now, cd
into the STT/native_client
directory and use the Makefile
to build all the language bindings (C++ client, Python package, Nodejs package, etc.).
cd ../STT/native_client
make stt
Installing your own Binaries¶
After building, the library files and binary can optionally be installed to a system path for ease of development. This is also a required step for bindings generation.
PREFIX=/usr/local sudo make install
It is assumed that $PREFIX/lib
is a valid library path, otherwise you may need to alter your environment.
Install Python bindings¶
Included are a set of generated Python bindings. After following the above build and installation instructions, these can be installed by executing the following commands (or equivalent on your system):
cd native_client/python
make bindings
pip install dist/stt-*
Reference documentation is available for the Python bindings, as well as examples in the STT-examples repository and the source code for the CLI tool installed alongside the Python bindings.
Install NodeJS / ElectronJS bindings¶
After following the above build and installation instructions, the Node.JS bindings can be built:
cd native_client/javascript
make build
make npm-pack
This will create the package stt-VERSION.tgz
in native_client/javascript
Install the CTC decoder package¶
To build the coqui_stt_ctcdecoder
package, you’ll need the general requirements listed above (in particular SWIG). The command below builds the bindings using eight (8) processes for compilation. Adjust the parameter accordingly for more or less parallelism.
cd native_client/ctcdecode
make bindings NUM_PROCESSES=8
pip install dist/*.whl
Building CTC Decoder for training on unsupported platforms¶
We only support building CTC Decoder on x86-64 architectures. However, we offer some hints on building the CTC decoder on other architectures, and you might find some help in our GitHub Discussions.
Feedback on improving this section or usage on other architectures is welcome.
First, you need to build SWIG from scratch, from the master branch. Our pre-built binaries are built from the tree 90cdbee6a69d13b39d734083b9f91069533b0d7b.
You can supply your prebuild SWIG using SWIG_DIST_URL
Moreover you may have to change PYTHON_PLATFORM_NAME
corresponding to your platform.
# PowerPC (ppc64le)
PYTHON_PLATFORM_NAME="--plat-name linux_ppc64le"
Complete build command:
SWIG_DIST_URL=[...] PYTHON_PLATFORM_NAME=[...] make bindings
pip install dist/*.whl
RPi3 ARMv7 and LePotato ARM64¶
We support cross-compilation from Linux hosts. The following --config
flags can be specified when building with bazel:
for Raspbian / ARMv7--config=elinux_aarch64
for ARMBian / ARM64
So your command line for RPi3
and ARMv7
should look like:
bazel build --workspace_status_command="bash native_client/" -c opt --config=elinux_armhf //
And your command line for LePotato
and ARM64
should look like:
bazel build --workspace_status_command="bash native_client/" -c opt --config=elinux_aarch64 //
While we test only on RPi3 Raspbian Buster and LePotato ARMBian Bullseye, anything compatible with armv7-a cortex-a53
or armv8-a cortex-a53
should be fine.
The stt
binary can also be cross-built, with TARGET=rpi3
or TARGET=rpi3-armv8
. This might require you to setup a system tree using the tool multistrap
and the multitrap configuration files: native_client/multistrap_armbian64_buster.conf
and native_client/multistrap_raspbian_buster.conf
The path of the system tree can be overridden from the default values defined in
through the RASPBIAN
cd ../STT/native_client
make TARGET=<system> stt
for Android¶
Beyond the general prerequisites listed above, you’ll also need the Android-specific dependencies for TensorFlow, namely you’ll need to install the Android SDK and the Android NDK version r18b. After that’s done, export the environment variables ANDROID_SDK_HOME
to the corresponding folders where the SDK and NDK were installed. Finally, configure the TensorFlow build and make sure you answer yes when the script asks if you want to set-up an Android build.
Then, you can build the
using (ARMv7):
bazel build --workspace_status_command="bash native_client/" --config=android_arm --action_env ANDROID_NDK_API_LEVEL=21 //
Or (ARM64):
bazel build --workspace_status_command="bash native_client/" --config=android_arm64 --action_env ANDROID_NDK_API_LEVEL=21 //
Building libstt.aar
In order to build the JNI bindings, source code is available under the native_client/java/libstt
directory. Building the AAR package requires having previously built
for all desired architectures and placed the corresponding binaries into the native_client/java/libstt/libs/{arm64-v8a,armeabi-v7a,x86_64}/
subdirectories. If you don’t want to build the AAR package for all of ARM64, ARMv7 and x86_64, you can edit the native_client/java/libstt/
file to remove unneeded architectures.
Building the bindings is managed by gradle
and can be done by calling ./gradlew libstt:build
inside the native_client/java
folder, producing an AAR
package in
Please note that you might have to copy the file to a local Maven repository and adapt file naming (when missing, the error message should states what filename it expects and where).
Building C++ stt
binary for Android¶
Building the stt
binary will happen through ndk-build
cd ../STT/native_client
$ANDROID_NDK_HOME/ndk-build APP_PLATFORM=android-21 APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=$(pwd)/ NDK_PROJECT_PATH=$(pwd) APP_STL=c++_shared TFDIR=$(pwd)/../tensorflow/ TARGET_ARCH_ABI=armeabi-v7a
And (ARM64):
cd ../STT/native_client
$ANDROID_NDK_HOME/ndk-build APP_PLATFORM=android-21 APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=$(pwd)/ NDK_PROJECT_PATH=$(pwd) APP_STL=c++_shared TFDIR=$(pwd)/../tensorflow/ TARGET_ARCH_ABI=arm64-v8a
Android demo APK¶
Provided is a very simple Android demo app that allows you to test the library.
You can build it with make apk
and install the resulting APK file. Please
refer to Gradle documentation for more details.
should be produced in /app/build/outputs/apk/
. This demo app might
require external storage permissions. You can then push models files to your
device, set the path to the file in the UI and try to run on an audio file.
When running, it should first play the audio file and then run the decoding. At
the end of the decoding, you should be presented with the decoded text as well
as time elapsed to decode in miliseconds.
This application is very limited on purpose, and is only here as a very basic demo of one usage of the application. For example, it’s only able to read PCM mono 16kHz 16-bits file and it might fail on some WAVE file that are not following exactly the specification.
Running stt
via adb¶
You should use adb push
to send data to device, please refer to Android
documentation on how to use that.
Please push 🐸STT data to /sdcard/STT/
, including:
which is the TF Lite modelExternal scorer file (available from one of our releases), if you want to use the scorer; please be aware that too big scorer will make the device run out of memory
Then, push binaries from native_client.tar.xz
to /data/local/tmp/ds
You should then be able to run as usual, using a shell from adb shell
user@device$ cd /data/local/tmp/ds/
user@device$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)/ ./stt [...]
Please note that Android linker does not support rpath
so you have to set
. Properly wrapped / packaged bindings does embed the library
at a place the linker knows where to search, so Android apps will be fine.
Delegation API¶
TensorFlow Lite supports Delegate API to offload some computation from the main CPU. Please refer to TensorFlow’s documentation for details.
To ease with experimentations, we have enabled some of those delegations on our Android builds: * GPU, to leverage OpenGL capabilities * NNAPI, the Android API to leverage GPU / DSP / NPU * Hexagon, the Qualcomm-specific DSP
This is highly experimental:
Requires passing environment variable
with values ofgpu
(only one at a time)Might require exported model changes (some Op might not be supported)
We can’t guarantee it will work, nor it will be faster than default implementation
Feedback on improving this is welcome: how it could be exposed in the API, how much performance gains do you get in your applications, how you had to change the model to make it work with a delegate, etc.